Friday, April 13, 2012

The University of Iowa was well represented at the annual conference of the Society for American Music, held in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 14-18, 2012. Two faculty, one current student, and one former student presented papers. 

At the business meeting, Professor Nathan Platte was awarded the Wiley Housewright Dissertation award for his work, “Musical Collaboration in the Films of David O. Selznick, 1932-1957.”

Kery Lawson (master’s student), “’I’m Going to Raise My Boy to be a Soldier:’ The Strong Mother in WWI Popular Song”

Prof. Nathan Platte, “Before King Kong was King: Competing Strategies in Hollywood Symphonic Scores, 1931–33”

Prof. Marian Wilson Kimber, “Jane Manner’s “Readings with Music” and the Creation of Melodramatic Performance, ca. 1890–1935”

Michael Accinno (Iowa alum, doctoral student, University of California, Davis), “Disabled Bodies, Disabled Instruments: Civil War Veterans as Organ Grinders.”