Rebekah Erdman


Rebekah Erdman is a PhD student in musicology. She holds a MM in Clarinet Performance from the University of Minnesota Duluth and a BM in Music Education from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Rebekah’s primary research interest is the music of late-nineteenth and twentieth century Great Britain, with an emphasis on women composers and chamber works. Her interests also include Latin American and Spanish composers, and in 2019, her woodwind quintet was awarded a Campus Climate Grant from the University of Minnesota Duluth to prepare a concert of Latino composers for performance at Duluth-area grade schools. As an educator, she has worked with students of all ages and aspires to a career in higher education in order to pass along her love of discovering new music from new places to the next generation of musicians and teachers.

Research areas
  • Latin American Composers
  • Spanish Composers
Image of Rebekah Erdman.