
Thomas Judson
Thomas Judson (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at Winston Salem State University.

Irna Priore
Irna Priore (PhD) was an Associate Professor of Music Theory at the University of North Carolina Greensboro.

Michael Accinno
Lecturing Fellow in the Thompson Writing Program, Duke University
Michael Accinno (MA) is Lecturing Fellow in the Thompson Writing Program at Duke University. He holds a Ph.D. in Musicology from the University of California, Davis. His recent research projects explore intersections between music education and disability education; and the songs of composer William R. Dempster (1809–1871).

John Allemeier
John Allemeier (PhD) is Professor of Composition at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Matthew Arndt
Associate Professor in Music Theory
Matthew Arndt is the author of The Musical Thought and Spiritual Lives of Heinrich Schenker and Arnold Schoenberg (Routledge, 2018). His articles appear in the Journal of Schenkerian Studies, the Journal of Music Theory, Theory and Analysis, Theoria, and Theory and Practice.

Emily Beddingfield-Cornette
Emily Beddingfield-Cornette is a master's student in Music Theory. She has research interests in music theory pedagogy and the music of Bach.

Yousif Bilal
Yousif Bilal (MA) is an Assistant Professor of Arabic at the United States Department of Defense Language Institute, where he teaches advanced Arabic through song.

James Bungert
James Bungert (MA) is Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Music History at Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana.

Ross Clowser
Ross Clowser is a former MA student in Musicology.

Ryan Cole
Ryan Cole (MA) is living and working in Texas.

Carla Colletti
Carla Colletti (PhD) is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Bachelor of Arts in Music program at Webster University.

Justin Comer
Justin Comer (MA) is living and working in the Iowa City area.

Sarah Culpepper
Sarah Culpepper (MA) was accepted into the graduate program in music theory at Yale University.

Matthew Custer
Matthew Custer (MA) lives and works in Florida, where he is pursuing additional education in a pre-medicine track.

Seth Custer
Seth Custer (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at Bob Jones University.

Luke Dahn
Luke Dahn (PhD) is an Associate Professor at Northwestern College in Orange City, IA.

Joseph Dangerfield
Joseph Dangerfield (PhD) is Visiting Assistant Professor at West Virginia University.

Tim Davis
Tim Davis (PhD) currently works at the Education Development Center, Inc and founder of the Boston New Music Initiative.

David DeVasto
David DeVasto (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at Elmhurst College.

Tony Donofrio
Tony Donofrio (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, where he teaches composition and theory and coordinates the new music festival.

Matthew Dotson
Matthew Dotson (PhD) is a private guitar instructor in Illinois.

Rebekah Erdman
Rebekah Erdman is a PhD candidate in Musicology at the University of Iowa. Her primary research explores the intersection of pastoralism, gender, and nature in the music of late-nineteenth- and twentieth-century Great Britain.

Leslie Finer
UIowa Office of Community Engagement Director, Arts & Humanities
In her role as Director of Arts & Humanities, Leslie Finer works to enhance community vitality by utilizing the University of Iowa's arts and cultural resources. She also oversees the Arts Share program, which has been facilitating arts outreach and engagement initiatives for over 25 years.

Zachary Fischer
Zachary Fischer (PhD) is living and working in Maryland.

Patrick Fitzgibbon
Patrick Fitzgibbon is currently in the doctoral program in music theory at the University of Chicago.

Rachel Foote
Rachel Foote (MFA) is an ensign in the US Coast Guard and Concert Reviews Editor of Journal SEAMUS.

Daniel Frantz
Daniel Frantz (MA) lives and works in the Iowa City area.

Christopher Gainey
Christopher Gainey (PhD) is currently re-enrolled and fully funded in the music theory PhD program at the University of British Columbia.

Kyle Gassiott
Operations Manager, Troy Public Radio
Kyle Gassiott is a journalist with over 15 years of radio, print, web, and television experience at the national level, as well as medium and small markets.

Erin Gee
Erin Gee (MA) earned the PhD at the University of Graz, Austria.