Articles from October 2019

An Alumna’s Upcoming Visit to Campus, a New Video, and An Article about UI’s Special Collections
Friday, October 25, 2019
We are honored to have alumna Dr. Jama Stilwell (Cornell College) back on campus for an Obermann Center Humanities for the Public Good symposium this upcoming Friday (November 1). Ph.D. candidate Megan Small took time to collaborate again with music librarian Katie Buehner on two new orchestra-related videos. Prof. Nathan Platte recently published a brief reflection on his study of Hollywood scripts and other film-related materials held in the special collections of Simpson College and the University of Iowa.

The Midwest Graduate Music Consortium at Iowa: Call for Papers and Scores
Monday, October 14, 2019
The 24th annual Midwest Graduate Music Consortium will be hosted here at Voxman, March 6-7, 2020. The website for the conference and the call for papers and scores is now live! The Midwest Graduate Music Consortium invites paper and performance submissions.

Bidding Farewell to Summer…
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Summer for PhD student Cody Norling meant finding that elusive balance across research, writing, and teaching.