Articles from July 2020

Hurrah, Arthur Scoleri!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Earlier this season, Arthur Scoleri successfully defended their musicology master’s thesis, “‘Thus He is Mine’: Reconciling Queerness and English Musical Tradition in Britten’s Canticle I.”

UI Presentations at the Society for American Music’s First Virtual Conference
Monday, July 13, 2020
Friday morning features Society for American Music presentations from Iowa graduate students and faculty. At 10:00 a.m. (CDT) you can take in Ph.D. candidate Megan Small’s talk on “Minnesota Mermaids: Exoticism in the Aquatennial’s Aqua Follies Water Ballet.” At 10:30, toggle over to “Rhythmic Techniques in Signed Rap” from Drs. Anabel Maler and Robert Komaniecki.

Wall Street Journal Notice and Summer Reading with Nathan Platte
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Dr. Platte’s most recent book, Making Music in Selznick’s Hollywood, is featured in the Wall Street Journal‘s “Five Best” column, where biographer Steven Smith (Music by Max Steiner) shares his favorite books on film music.