Articles from February 2022

Trevor Harvey helps bring “Esteban and the Children of the Sun” to a broader audience
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Last semester, ethnomusicologist Trevor Harvey played a critical role in coordinating Esteban and the Children of the Sun, a multimedia performance envisioned and composed by former Director of Jazz Studies at Iowa, John Rapson, who passed away in July 2021.

Rebekah Erdman wins National Opera Association Award
Monday, February 7, 2022
Musicology Ph.D. Student Rebekah Erdman won the National Opera Association’s 2021 Scholarly Paper Competition! Her paper, “The Immortal Hour of the English Choral Drama,” discusses the popularity and reception of the choral drama The Immortal Hour by British composer Rutland Boughton (1878-1960).

The Music Research Forum features brief presentations from School of Music faculty
Monday, February 7, 2022
The Music Research Forum features brief presentations from School of Music faculty: Matthew Arndt, Adam G. Harry, Anabel Maler, Marian Wilson Kimber, Abbey Dvorak, and Nathan Platte.