Articles from June 2020

Dr. Wilson Kimber’s Video Project on American Women Composers Receives SAM Subvention
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
The Society for American Music recently announced that Dr. Wilson Kimber was the recipient of its 2020 Sight and Sound Subvention! “In a Woman’s Voice: Musical Readings by American Women Composers will be a video recording of musical readings for spoken word and piano by women composers, performed by Marian Wilson Kimber, reciter, and Natalie Landowski, piano.

Congratulations to Dr. McGinnis!
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
This spring Kelsey McGinnis successfully defended her dissertation and received her Ph.D. in Musicology. Titled “A Captive Enemy Audience: Music and the Reeducation of German POWs in the United States,” Dr. McGinnis’s dissertation draws on research conducted at the U.S. National Archives and the Iowan Camp Algona POW Archive to consider how musical activities in the camps were experienced and valued differently.