
New book review from Zane Larson on Bernstein
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Musicology PhD candidate Zane Larson reviewed Leonard Bernstein in Context, a new collection of essays edited by Elizabeth A. Wells, for Musica Judaica Online Reviews.

Marian Wilson Kimber quoted in the Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Dr. Marian Wilson Kimber's expertise on Fanny Mendelssohn and historical narratives on women musicians is featured in a recent article by Elizabeth Winkler, "The Rediscovery of Fanny Mendelssohn," for the Wall Street Journal.

New research in Music & Politics from musicology faculty
Friday, April 14, 2023
Marian Wilson Kimber and Nathan Platte have both published articles in the most recent issues of Music & Politics. The journal is open access, so you can read and share their articles freely with others.

Rebekah Erdman on laughter and “living scenery” in Rutland Boughton’s The Immortal Hour
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Rebekah Erdman (PhD pre-candidate, musicology) has a new article in Opera Journal (55:1) titled “The Immortal Hour of the English Choral Drama."

Cody Norling on May Valentine’s Winding Path through American Opera
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Cody Norling (PhD candidate, Musicology) has a new article out in American Music (40:1) titled “Making an American Opera Career: Conductor May Valentine (1890-1974) and a Woman’s Role(s) in the Business of Opera.”

Dr. Suhadolnik’s Collaborative Research Published in Sounding Together
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Sarah Suhadolnik’s work with colleague Monica Hershberger is featured in the new, open-access collection Sounding Together: Collaborative Perspectives on U.S. Music in the 21st Century (eds. Charles Hiroshi Garrett and Carol Oja).

Marian Wilson Kimber’s Contributions to Women’s Song Forum (and Beyond)
Friday, March 26, 2021
Marian Wilson Kimber’s “Hymnody, Dance and the Sacred in the Illustrated Song” has recently appeared in the volume Musicology and Dance: Historical and Critical Perspectives published by Cambridge University Press. Wilson Kimber has also recently joined a team of musicologists writing for the Women’s Song Forum, a new blog devoted to women’s songs and women’s voices.

Sharing Research and Supporting Community During an Extraordinary Semester
Monday, January 4, 2021
In bidding 2020 adieu, we take a moment to celebrate a smattering of the work we’ve shared during a very unusual fall term: Christine Getz, Cody Norling, Anabel Maler, and Nathan Platte.

Wall Street Journal Notice and Summer Reading with Nathan Platte
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Dr. Platte’s most recent book, Making Music in Selznick’s Hollywood, is featured in the Wall Street Journal‘s “Five Best” column, where biographer Steven Smith (Music by Max Steiner) shares his favorite books on film music.

Two New Articles from Marian Wilson Kimber
Friday, May 22, 2020
Just in time for summer reading, Prof. Marian Wilson Kimber has published two articles: "Miss Austen Plays Pleyel: An Additional Source for the Jane Austen Family Music Collection?" and "Reciting Parsifal: Opera as Spoken Word Performance in America."

(Re)Discovering Musical Iowana, on the Road with Red Vespa
Monday, February 10, 2020
Marian Wilson Kimber’s article, “Musical Iowana: Iowa Women’s Clubs’ Promotion of Iowa Composers,” recently appeared in The Annals of Iowa. As part of the duo, Red Vespa, Wilson Kimber continues to perform women’s spoken-word compositions. In November Wilson Kimber was honored with a distinguished Alumni Award from the University of North Carolina Greensboro, where she received her undergraduate education.

Faculty Activities: Extreme Winter Weather Edition
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Even midst snow, slush, and more snow, there are publications, presentations, and podcasts to share and celebrate. Enjoy here some of the recent work from the faculty: Marian Wilson Kimber, Sarah Suhadolnik, Nathan Platte, and Trevor Harvey.