
Image of Dr. Anabel Maler.

Conversing with Dr. Anabel Maler

Sunday, September 6, 2020
This past spring, Ph.D. student Alexis Tuttle sat down with Dr. Anabel Maler to learn more about her and her work as a music theorist. Here are Lexy’s highlights from that conversation. 
University of Iowa Students at Commencement in their Caps.

Hurrah, Arthur Scoleri!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Earlier this season, Arthur Scoleri successfully defended their musicology master’s thesis, “‘Thus He is Mine’: Reconciling Queerness and English Musical Tradition in Britten’s Canticle I.”
Drone Image of Campus.

UI Presentations at the Society for American Music’s First Virtual Conference

Monday, July 13, 2020
Friday morning features Society for American Music presentations from Iowa graduate students and faculty. At 10:00 a.m. (CDT) you can take in Ph.D. candidate Megan Small’s talk on “Minnesota Mermaids: Exoticism in the Aquatennial’s Aqua Follies Water Ballet.” At 10:30, toggle over to “Rhythmic Techniques in Signed Rap” from Drs. Anabel Maler and Robert Komaniecki. 
Drone Image of Campus.

Wall Street Journal Notice and Summer Reading with Nathan Platte

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Dr. Platte’s most recent book, Making Music in Selznick’s Hollywood, is featured in the Wall Street Journal‘s “Five Best” column, where biographer Steven Smith (Music by Max Steiner) shares his favorite books on film music.
Image of Marian Wilson Kimber Reciting with Fan.

Dr. Wilson Kimber’s Video Project on American Women Composers Receives SAM Subvention

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
The Society for American Music recently announced that Dr. Wilson Kimber was the recipient of its 2020 Sight and Sound Subvention! “In a Woman’s Voice: Musical Readings by American Women Composers will be a video recording of musical readings for spoken word and piano by women composers, performed by Marian Wilson Kimber, reciter, and Natalie Landowski, piano.
Image of Kelsey McGinnis speaking.

Congratulations to Dr. McGinnis!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020
This spring Kelsey McGinnis successfully defended her dissertation and received her Ph.D. in Musicology. Titled “A Captive Enemy Audience: Music and the Reeducation of German POWs in the United States,” Dr. McGinnis’s dissertation draws on research conducted at the U.S. National Archives and the Iowan Camp Algona POW Archive to consider how musical activities in the camps were experienced and valued differently.
Image of Marian Wilson Kimber Reciting with Fan.

Two New Articles from Marian Wilson Kimber

Friday, May 22, 2020
Just in time for summer reading, Prof. Marian Wilson Kimber has published two articles: "Miss Austen Plays Pleyel: An Additional Source for the Jane Austen Family Music Collection?" and "Reciting Parsifal: Opera as Spoken Word Performance in America."
Center for New Music Ensemble and composers featured at the MGMC concert.

Recollecting A Conference and Film Series…

Friday, April 17, 2020
As we work from home and reckon with COVID-19 in a thousand different ways, it may help to recollect the activities of the previous month, when “social” was not inevitably paired with “distancing.” The graduate students in musicology, theory, and composition collaborated beautifully through their hosting of the 2020 Midwest Graduate Music Consortium. Nathan Platte and undergraduate researcher Anastasia Scholze cohosted a mini-course at FilmScene titled “Contenders and Composers of the Fifties.” 
Exterior of the Voxman Music Building featuring Rainbow.

Grad Student Updates: A Defense, A Conference, and A Newly Designed Course

Thursday, March 5, 2020
Congratulations to Ryne Carlson, who successfully defended his masters thesis! Ph.D. student Cody Norling recently completed a review of Alexandra Wilson’s Opera in the Jazz Age: Cultural Politics in 1920s Britain,  now available in the Journal of Musicological Research.
Drone Image of Campus.

Sarah Suhadolnik Discusses the 1619 Project with Study Group in Des Moines

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
The Plymouth United Church of Christ in Des Moines recently hosted Dr. Suhadolnik as a featured speaker in their study group devoted to The New York Times’ 1619 Project.