Nathan Platte just completed a four-week series at Iowa City’s FilmScene theater, where he hosted a “FilmScene 101” course on movie musicals that ran in tandem with his cross-listed music and cinema class, “The Film Musical.” Nathan provided an introduction to each of the films and hosted a post-screening discussion among attendees. Nathan was glad that students could take in the films—Top Hat, Meet Me in St. Louis, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, and Yentl—in a state-of-the-art theater alongside a large audience of community members. Post-film conversations became an opportunity to break down the film and learn more about the different musical attributes that attracted people’s curiosity.
This is the second film series Nathan has hosted at FilmScene, where he is also co-host and producer of the theater’s podcast, FilmCastPodScene. Nathan and programming director Ben Delgado discuss the musicals series here.