Cody Norling
Cody Norling is a doctoral alumnus in Musicology at the University of Iowa, where he, as a graduate-student instructor of record, taught a musically diverse, general-education course titled “Great Musicians.” As an archival historian, he studies a range of topics related to operatic dissemination, consumption, and reception in the United States, and his dissertation research concerns the civic density of operatic cultures in 1920s Chicago. In 2016, Cody received the National Opera Association’s Leland Fox Scholarly Paper Award for his work on indigenous depictions in Puccini’s La fanciulla del West, and in addition to giving recent papers for the Society for American Music and American Musicological Society, he was a guest speaker for the Des Moines Symphony’s 2019/2020 season. Cody’s published work can be found in The Opera Journal, a recent volume from Hastings College Press on midwestern identity formation in the long-nineteenth century, and a forthcoming volume from Kent State University Press.
- Operatic Dissemination, Consumption, and Reception in the United States